// // ImageView+Kingfisher.swift // Kingfisher // // Created by Wei Wang on 15/4/6. // // Copyright (c) 2018 Wei Wang // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #if os(macOS) import AppKit #else import UIKit #endif // MARK: - Extension methods. /** * Set image to use from web. */ extension Kingfisher where Base: ImageView { /** Set an image with a resource, a placeholder image, options, progress handler and completion handler. - parameter resource: Resource object contains information such as `cacheKey` and `downloadURL`. - parameter placeholder: A placeholder image when retrieving the image at URL. - parameter options: A dictionary could control some behaviors. See `KingfisherOptionsInfo` for more. - parameter progressBlock: Called when the image downloading progress gets updated. - parameter completionHandler: Called when the image retrieved and set. - returns: A task represents the retrieving process. - note: Both the `progressBlock` and `completionHandler` will be invoked in main thread. The `CallbackDispatchQueue` specified in `optionsInfo` will not be used in callbacks of this method. If `resource` is `nil`, the `placeholder` image will be set and `completionHandler` will be called with both `error` and `image` being `nil`. */ @discardableResult public func setImage(with resource: Resource?, placeholder: Placeholder? = nil, options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil, progressBlock: DownloadProgressBlock? = nil, completionHandler: CompletionHandler? = nil) -> RetrieveImageTask { guard let resource = resource else { self.placeholder = placeholder setWebURL(nil) completionHandler?(nil, nil, .none, nil) return .empty } var options = KingfisherManager.shared.defaultOptions + (options ?? KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo) let noImageOrPlaceholderSet = base.image == nil && self.placeholder == nil if !options.keepCurrentImageWhileLoading || noImageOrPlaceholderSet { // Always set placeholder while there is no image/placehoer yet. self.placeholder = placeholder } let maybeIndicator = indicator maybeIndicator?.startAnimatingView() setWebURL(resource.downloadURL) if base.shouldPreloadAllAnimation() { options.append(.preloadAllAnimationData) } let task = KingfisherManager.shared.retrieveImage( with: resource, options: options, progressBlock: { receivedSize, totalSize in guard resource.downloadURL == self.webURL else { return } if let progressBlock = progressBlock { progressBlock(receivedSize, totalSize) } }, completionHandler: {[weak base] image, error, cacheType, imageURL in DispatchQueue.main.safeAsync { maybeIndicator?.stopAnimatingView() guard let strongBase = base, imageURL == self.webURL else { completionHandler?(image, error, cacheType, imageURL) return } self.setImageTask(nil) guard let image = image else { completionHandler?(nil, error, cacheType, imageURL) return } guard let transitionItem = options.lastMatchIgnoringAssociatedValue(.transition(.none)), case .transition(let transition) = transitionItem, ( options.forceTransition || cacheType == .none) else { self.placeholder = nil strongBase.image = image completionHandler?(image, error, cacheType, imageURL) return } #if !os(macOS) UIView.transition(with: strongBase, duration: 0.0, options: [], animations: { maybeIndicator?.stopAnimatingView() }, completion: { _ in self.placeholder = nil UIView.transition(with: strongBase, duration: transition.duration, options: [transition.animationOptions, .allowUserInteraction], animations: { // Set image property in the animation. transition.animations?(strongBase, image) }, completion: { finished in transition.completion?(finished) completionHandler?(image, error, cacheType, imageURL) }) }) #endif } }) setImageTask(task) return task } /** Cancel the image download task bounded to the image view if it is running. Nothing will happen if the downloading has already finished. */ public func cancelDownloadTask() { imageTask?.cancel() } } // MARK: - Associated Object private var lastURLKey: Void? private var indicatorKey: Void? private var indicatorTypeKey: Void? private var placeholderKey: Void? private var imageTaskKey: Void? extension Kingfisher where Base: ImageView { /// Get the image URL binded to this image view. public var webURL: URL? { return objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &lastURLKey) as? URL } fileprivate func setWebURL(_ url: URL?) { objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &lastURLKey, url, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) } /// Holds which indicator type is going to be used. /// Default is .none, means no indicator will be shown. public var indicatorType: IndicatorType { get { let indicator = objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &indicatorTypeKey) as? IndicatorType return indicator ?? .none } set { switch newValue { case .none: indicator = nil case .activity: indicator = ActivityIndicator() case .image(let data): indicator = ImageIndicator(imageData: data) case .custom(let anIndicator): indicator = anIndicator } objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &indicatorTypeKey, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) } } /// Holds any type that conforms to the protocol `Indicator`. /// The protocol `Indicator` has a `view` property that will be shown when loading an image. /// It will be `nil` if `indicatorType` is `.none`. public fileprivate(set) var indicator: Indicator? { get { guard let box = objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &indicatorKey) as? Box else { return nil } return box.value } set { // Remove previous if let previousIndicator = indicator { previousIndicator.view.removeFromSuperview() } // Add new if var newIndicator = newValue { // Set default indicator frame if the view's frame not set. if newIndicator.view.frame == .zero { newIndicator.view.frame = base.frame } newIndicator.viewCenter = CGPoint(x: base.bounds.midX, y: base.bounds.midY) newIndicator.view.isHidden = true base.addSubview(newIndicator.view) } // Save in associated object // Wrap newValue with Box to workaround an issue that Swift does not recognize // and casting protocol for associate object correctly. https://github.com/onevcat/Kingfisher/issues/872 objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &indicatorKey, newValue.map(Box.init), .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) } } fileprivate var imageTask: RetrieveImageTask? { return objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &imageTaskKey) as? RetrieveImageTask } fileprivate func setImageTask(_ task: RetrieveImageTask?) { objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &imageTaskKey, task, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) } public fileprivate(set) var placeholder: Placeholder? { get { return objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &placeholderKey) as? Placeholder } set { if let previousPlaceholder = placeholder { previousPlaceholder.remove(from: base) } if let newPlaceholder = newValue { newPlaceholder.add(to: base) } else { base.image = nil } objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &placeholderKey, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) } } } @objc extension ImageView { func shouldPreloadAllAnimation() -> Bool { return true } }