#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ AutoGenStrings.py Created by linyu on 2015-02-13. Modify by wz on 2017-06-02. Copyright (c) 2017 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. """ import imp import sys import os import glob import string import re import time imp.reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') #设置默认编码,只能是utf-8,下面\u4e00-\u9fa5要求的 KTargetFile = '*.lproj/*.strings' KGenerateStringsFile = 'TempfileOfStoryboardNew.strings' ColonRegex = ur'["](.*?)["]' KeyParamRegex = ur'["](.*?)["](\s*)=(\s*)["](.*?)["];' AnotationRegexPrefix = ur'/(.*?)/' def getCharaset(string_txt): filedata = bytearray(string_txt[:4]) if len(filedata) < 4 : return 0 if (filedata[0] == 0xEF) and (filedata[1] == 0xBB) and (filedata[2] == 0xBF): print 'utf-8' return 1 elif (filedata[0] == 0xFF) and (filedata[1] == 0xFE) and (filedata[2] == 0x00) and (filedata[3] == 0x00): print 'utf-32/UCS-4,little endian' return 3 elif (filedata[0] == 0x00) and (filedata[1] == 0x00) and (filedata[2] == 0xFE) and (filedata[3] == 0xFF): print 'utf-32/UCS-4,big endian' return 3 elif (filedata[0] == 0xFE) and (filedata[1] == 0xFF): print 'utf-16/UCS-2,little endian' return 2 elif (filedata[0] == 0xFF) and (filedata[1] == 0xFE): print 'utf-16/UCS-2,big endian' return 2 else: print 'can not recognize!' return 0 def decoder(string_txt): var = getCharaset(string_txt) if var == 1: return string_txt.decode("utf-8") elif var == 2: return string_txt.decode("utf-16") elif var == 3: return string_txt.decode("utf-32") else: return string_txt def constructAnotationRegex(str): return AnotationRegexPrefix + '\n' + str def getAnotationOfString(string_txt,suffix): anotationRegex = constructAnotationRegex(suffix) anotationMatch = re.search(anotationRegex,string_txt) anotationString = '' if anotationMatch: match = re.search(AnotationRegexPrefix,anotationMatch.group(0)) if match: anotationString = match.group(0) return anotationString def compareWithFilePath(newStringPath,originalStringPath): print(newStringPath) print(originalStringPath) #read newStringfile nspf=open(newStringPath,"r") #newString_txt = str(nspf.read(5000000)).decode("utf-16") newString_txt = decoder(str(nspf.read(5000000))) nspf.close() newString_dic = {} anotation_dic = {} for stfmatch in re.finditer(KeyParamRegex , newString_txt): linestr = stfmatch.group(0) anotationString = getAnotationOfString(newString_txt,linestr) linematchs = re.findall(ColonRegex, linestr) if len(linematchs) == 2: leftvalue = linematchs[0] rightvalue = linematchs[1] newString_dic[leftvalue] = rightvalue anotation_dic[leftvalue] = anotationString #read originalStringfile ospf=open(originalStringPath,"r") originalString_txt = decoder(str(ospf.read(5000000))) ospf.close() originalString_dic = {} for stfmatch in re.finditer(KeyParamRegex , originalString_txt): linestr = stfmatch.group(0) linematchs = re.findall(ColonRegex, linestr) if len(linematchs) == 2: leftvalue = linematchs[0] rightvalue = linematchs[1] originalString_dic[leftvalue] = rightvalue #compare and remove the useless param in original string for key in originalString_dic: if(key not in newString_dic): keystr = '"%s"'%key replacestr = '//'+keystr match = re.search(replacestr , originalString_txt) if match is None: originalString_txt = originalString_txt.replace(keystr,replacestr) #compare and add new param to original string executeOnce = 1 for key in newString_dic: values = (key, newString_dic[key]) if(key not in originalString_dic): newline = '' if executeOnce == 1: timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) newline = '\n//##################################################################################\n' newline +='//# AutoGenStrings '+timestamp+'\n' newline +='//##################################################################################\n' executeOnce = 0 newline += '\n'+anotation_dic[key] newline += '\n"%s" = "%s";\n'%values originalString_txt += newline #write into origial file sbfw=open(originalStringPath,"w") sbfw.write(originalString_txt) sbfw.close() def extractFileName(file_path): seg = file_path.split('/') lastindex = len(seg) - 1 return seg[lastindex] def extractFilePrefix(file_path): seg = file_path.split('/') lastindex = len(seg) - 1 prefix = seg[lastindex].split('.')[0] return prefix def generateStoryboardStringsfile(storyboard_path,tempstrings_path): cmdstring = 'ibtool '+storyboard_path+' --generate-strings-file '+tempstrings_path if os.system(cmdstring) == 0: return 1 def generateLocalizableFiles(filePath ,sourceFilePath): print ('-------> sourceFilePath: ' + sourceFilePath + ' filePath: ' + filePath) sourceFile_list = glob.glob(sourceFilePath) if len(sourceFile_list) == 0: print 'error dictionary,you should choose the dic upper the Base.lproj' return targetFilePath = filePath + '/' + KTargetFile targetFile_list = glob.glob(targetFilePath) tempFile_Path = filePath + '/' + KGenerateStringsFile if len(targetFile_list) == 0: print 'error framework , no .lproj dic was found' return for sourcePath in sourceFile_list: sourceprefix = extractFilePrefix(sourcePath) sourcename = extractFileName(sourcePath) print 'init with %s'%sourcename if generateStoryboardStringsfile(sourcePath,tempFile_Path) == 1: print '- - genstrings %s successfully'%sourcename for targetPath in targetFile_list: targetprefix = extractFilePrefix(targetPath) targetname = extractFileName(targetPath) if cmp(sourceprefix,targetprefix) == 0: print '- - dealing with %s'%targetPath compareWithFilePath(tempFile_Path,targetPath) print 'finish with %s'%sourcename os.remove(tempFile_Path) else: print '- - genstrings %s error'%sourcename #根据项目根目录遍历所有的xib和storyboard的文件路径 def getAllNibSrcPathFor(dir): sourceFilePaths = [] #三个参数:1.父目录 2.所有文件夹名字(不含路径) 3.所有文件名字 for parent,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(dir): for filename in filenames: #输出文件信息 print filename if (('.xib' in filename) | ('.storyboard' in filename)): filePath = os.path.join(parent) if filePath not in sourceFilePaths: sourceFilePaths.append(filePath) #print sourceFilePaths return sourceFilePaths def main(): print(sys.argv) if len(sys.argv) == 1 : #如果在终端运行,注意要修改自己需要国际化的项目文件夹的路径! filePath = '/Users/wz/Documents/git/AutoLocalization/AutoLocalization/' else: filePath = sys.argv[1] # if filePath == None or filePath == '': # print('[Error] filePath can not None!') # exit(1) sourceFilePaths = getAllNibSrcPathFor(filePath) # *.storyboard 国际化 for sourceFilePath in sourceFilePaths: baseStrIdx = 0 try: baseStrIdx = sourceFilePath.index('Base.lproj') except Exception as e: pass else: sourceFilePathName = sourceFilePath + '/*.storyboard' upperFilePath = sourceFilePath[0:(baseStrIdx-1)] #print upperFilePath generateLocalizableFiles(upperFilePath, sourceFilePathName) # *.xib 国际化 for sourceFilePath in sourceFilePaths: baseStrIdx = 0 try: baseStrIdx = sourceFilePath.index('Base.lproj') except Exception as e: pass else: sourceFilePathName = sourceFilePath + '/*.xib' upperFilePath = sourceFilePath[0:(baseStrIdx-1)] #print upperFilePath generateLocalizableFiles(upperFilePath, sourceFilePathName) if __name__ == '__main__': main()