RTKOTACoordinator.h 3.69 KB
//  RTKOTACoordinator.h
//  Created by jerome_gu on 2020/3/19.
//  Copyright © 2020 jerome_gu. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "RTKOTAUpgradeBin.h"
#import "RTKOTADeviceInfo.h"
#import "RTKOTAUpgrade.h"
#import <RTKOTASDK/RTKOTAUpgradeBin.h>
#import <RTKOTASDK/RTKOTADeviceInfo.h>
#import <RTKOTASDK/RTKOTAUpgrade.h>


@class RTKOTACoordinator;

 * The RTKOTACoordinatorDelegate protocol defines methods that you use to receive events from an RTKOTACoordinator object.
@protocol RTKOTACoordinatorDelegate <NSObject>
 * Tells the delegate that the remote device information is determined.
- (void)OTACoordinatorDidBeReadyForUpgrade:(RTKOTACoordinator *)coordinator withDeviceInfo:(RTKOTADeviceInfo *)info;

 * Tells the delegate that coordinator could not get ready for upgrade.

- (void)OTACoordinator:(RTKOTACoordinator *)coordinator couldNotUpgradeWithError:(NSError *)error;

 * Tells the delegate that a image will be send to remote device.
- (void)OTACoordinator:(RTKOTACoordinator *)coordinator willUpgradeImage:(RTKOTAUpgradeBin *)image;

 * Tells the delegate that a image did be send to remote device.
- (void)OTACoordinator:(RTKOTACoordinator *)coordinator didUpgradeImage:(RTKOTAUpgradeBin *)image;

 * Tells the delegate that images did take effect in remote device.
- (void)OTACoordinator:(RTKOTACoordinator *)coordinator didActiveImages:(NSArray<RTKOTAUpgradeBin*>*)images;

 * Tells the delegate that upgrade task did finish. If upgrade succees, the error parameter is nil, otherwise a error object is passed in.
- (void)OTACoordinator:(RTKOTACoordinator *)coordinator didCompleteUpgradeWithError:(nullable NSError *)error;


 * The RTKOTACoordinator object is responsible for coordinate OTA upgrades of multiple images on one remote device or both RWS buds.
 * It is an abstract class encapsulating the common API to RTKAccessoryOTACoordinator and RTKLEOTACoordinator. You should use the concrete OTACoordinator instance.
@interface RTKOTACoordinator : NSObject <NSProgressReporting, RTKOTAUpgradeDelegate>

 * The delegate object specified to receive OTA upgrade events.
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<RTKOTACoordinatorDelegate> delegate;

 * The actual upgrade object current in effect.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) RTKOTAUpgrade *upgrade;

 * Indicate whether there is upgrading task now.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isUpgrading;

 * The upgrade image current upgrading.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) RTKOTAUpgradeBin *imageInUpgrading;

 * Start a upgrade with one image.
 * @discussion If upgrade more than one images, use -upgradeWithImages: instead.
- (void)upgradeWithImage:(RTKOTAUpgradeBin *)image;

 * The upgrade images current upgrading.
@property (readonly, nullable) NSArray <RTKOTAUpgradeBin*> *upgradeImages;

 * Start upgrade with multiple images.
 * @discussion According to peripheral capability and state, reboot may occur between one or several image upgrade.
- (void)upgradeWithImages:(NSArray <RTKOTAUpgradeBin*> *)images;

 * Start upgrade with each images to RWS buds.
 * @discussion When upgrading RWS pair, each bud will be upgraded using -upgradeWithImages: with corresponding images. When upgrade the other bud, the bud object is assigned automatically(eg LE) or manually (eg iAP).
- (void)upgradeRWSWithPrimaryBudImages:(NSArray <RTKOTAUpgradeBin*> *)primaryImages secondaryBudImages:(NSArray <RTKOTAUpgradeBin*> *)secondaryImages;

 * Cancel ongoing upgrade task.
- (void)cancelUpgrade;
