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  Created by yangbin on 2022/1/3.

"首页" = "Home";
"运动" = "Sport";
"设备" = "Equipment";
"我的" = "Mine";
"体重" = "Weight";
"出生日期" = "date of birth";
"男" = "Male";
"女" = "Female";
"性别" = "Gender";
"身高" = "Height ";
"身高说明" = "Height is an important factor in calculating sports health data. In order to ensure the accuracy of the data, please fill in truthfully and track your height regularly. ";
"目标步数说明" = "Based on world Health Organization recommendations, and based on information about your sex, age, height and weight, you need about 8,000 steps a day.";
"体重说明" = "Body weight is an important factor in calculating sports health data. To ensure the accuracy of the data, please fill in truthfully and track your weight regularly. ";
"性别说明" = "Gender is an important factor in calculating exercise health. To ensure the accuracy of data, please choose your gender correctly and it cannot be changed.";
"年龄说明" = "Age is an important factor in calculating sports health. To ensure the accuracy of the data, please fill in your date of birth.";
"确定" = "Confirm";
"取消" = "Cancel ";
"完成" = "Complete";
"保存" = "Save";
"立即体验" = "Experience now";
"上一步 " = "The previous step";
"下一步" = "The next step";
"今日活动" = "Today's Event";
"添加设备" = "Add Device";
"步数" = "Step count ";
"距离" = "Distance";
"热量" = "Calories";
"步" = "steps";
"目标步数" = "Target";
"运动时长" = "The movement time";
"消耗热量" = "Consumption quantity of heat";
"平均配速" = "Avg. Pace";
"平均速度" = "Avg. velocity";
"运动步数" = "Exercise steps";
"平均步频" = "Avg. cadence";
"最大步频" = "Maximum step frequency";
"总步数" = "Total steps";
"平均步幅" = "Average stride ";
"千卡" = "kcal";
"公里" = "km";
"米" = "m";
"公里/小时" = "Km/h";
//"步" = "step";
"步/分钟" = "Step/minute ";
"跑步" = "running";
"户外跑步总距离" = "Total outdoor running distance";
"户外" = "outdoors";
"室内跑步总距离" = "Total indoor running distance";
"步行" = "walking";
"室内" = "indoor ";
"骑行" = "cycling";
"爬山" = "Climbing the mountain";
"步行总距离" = "Total walking distance";
"骑行总距离" = "Total riding distance";
"步行总里程" = "Total walking distance";
"跑步总里程" = "Total running distance";
"骑行总里程" = "Total riding distance";
"爬升总高度" = "Total climb altitude";
"爬山总距离" = "Total climb distance";
"用时" = "time cost ";
"累计消耗(千卡)" = "Cumulative consumption (kcal) ";
"累计用时" = "The cumulative time";
"累计次数(次)" = "Cumulative times (Times)";
"单次最远距离(公里)" = "Single longest distance (km)";
"单次最长用时" = "Maximum single use time";
"单次最高热量(千卡)" = "Single maximum heat (kcal)";
"累计距离(公里)" = "Cumulative distance (km) ";
"跑步记录" = "Running record";
"爬山记录" = "Climbing Record ";
"爬升总高度" = "Total climb height ";
"累计爬升(米)" = "Accumulated climb (m)";
"单次最高爬升" = "Single highest climb";
"步行记录" = "Walking record";
"骑行记录" = "Riding record";
"累计爬山" = "The cumulative mountain climbing";
"海拔(米)" = "Altitude (m)";
"最高海拔" = "Highest altitude";
"最低海拔" = "the lowest altitude";
"本次运动距离太短,将不保存记录" = "The distance of this exercise is too short, the record will not be saved";
"我知道了" = "I see";
"计步" = "Steps";
"近一周达标情况" = "Compliance in recent week";
"步数最多" = "Maximum Steps";
"距离最长" = "Longest Distance";
"热量最高" = "Highest Calories";
"消耗" = "Consume";
"亲,您已超过100%的同类用户" = "Dear, you have more than 100% of similar users";
"亲,您已超过" = "Dear, you have more than ";
"的同类用户" = " of similar users";
"目标完成" = "Goal accomplished";
"去步行" = "To go on foot";
"总步数" = "Total steps";
"血压" = "Blood Pressure";
"血压正常" = "Blood pressure is normal";
"平均收缩压" = "Avg Systolic blood pressure ";
"平均舒张压" = "Avg Diastolic blood pressure";
"毫米汞柱" = "MmHg";
"平均收缩压/舒张压" = "Avg Systolic/Diastolic";
"收缩压" = "Systolic";
"舒张压" = "Diastolic";
"正常血压参考值" = "Normal Blood Pressure Reference Value";
"高血压参考值" = "High Blood Pressure Reference Value";
"低血压参考值" = "Low Blood Pressure Reference Value";
"血氧" = "Blood Oxygen";
"血氧范围" = "Blood Oxygen Range";
"平均血氧" = "Avg Blood Oxygen";
"血氧饱和度(SpO2)参考值" = "Blood oxygen saturation(SpO2) reference value";
"正常" = "Normal ";
"轻度缺氧" = "Mild Hypoxia";
"中度缺氧" = "Moderate Hypoxia";
"重度缺氧" = "Severe Hypoxia";
"心率" = "Heart Rate";
"次/分钟" = "BPM";
"心率范围" = "Range";
"平均心率" = "Average";
"静息心率平均值:60-90次/分钟" = "Average Resting Heart Rate: 60-90 BPM";
"运动心率" = "Exercise Heart Rate";
"热身放松" = "Warm up to relax";
"燃烧脂肪" = "Burning Fat";
"心肺锻炼" = "Cardiopulmonary Exercise";
"耐力强化" = "Endurance Enhancement";
"极限锻炼" = "Extreme Exercise";
"睡眠" = "Sleep";
"浅睡" = "Light";
"深睡" = "Deep";
"清醒" = "Awake";
"时长" = "duration";
"亲,您的睡眠健康指数已击败全国100%的同龄人" = "Dear, your sleep health index has beaten 100% of your peers across the country";
"亲,您的睡眠健康指数已击败全国" = "Dear, your sleep health index has beaten ";
"的同龄人" = " of your peers across the country";
"科学睡眠参考值" = "Scientific Sleep Reference Value";
"平均夜睡睡眠时长" = "Average Sleep Duration Per Night";
"平均深睡比例" = "Average Deep Sleep Ratio";
"平均浅睡比例" = "Average Light Sleep Ratio";
"平均清醒比例" = "Average Awake Ratio";
"平均入睡时间" = "Average Time To Fall Asleep";
"平均起床时间" = "Average Wake Up Time";
"训练" = "Training";
"运动记录" = "Exercise Record";
"女性健康" = "Female Health";
"您的月经大概持续多少天?" = "How many days does your period last?";
"经期天数" = "Menstrual period days";
"两次月经开始日大概间隔多久?" = "How long is the approximate interval between the start of menstruation? ";
"周期长度" = "Cycle length";
"最近一次月经是什么时候?" = "When was the last menstruation?";
"最近一次月经" = "Last menstruation";
"未选择" = "Not selected";
"经期设置" = "Menstrual Setting";
"选择经期天数" = "Select your period days";
"选择周期长度" = "Select menstrual cycle length";
"周期长度没有填哟" = "Please select menstrual cycle length";
"经期天数没有填哟" = "Please select your period days";
"最近一次月经没有填哟" = "Please select the last menstrual date";
"安全期" = "Safety period";
"月经期" = "Menstrual period";
"预测经期" = "Predict menstrual period ";
"易孕期" = "Easy pregnancy";
"排卵日" = "Oviposit day";
"大姨妈来了" = "My period is coming";
"爱爱" = "Make love";
"测量体温" = "Measuring body temperature";
"体温" = "Temperature ";
"经期显示" = "Menstrual";
"分享到" = "share to";
"自定义首页" = "Custom home page";
"暂无数据" = "No Data";
"晴" = "Sunny";
"阴" = "Cloudy";
"雨" = "Rain";
"雪" = "Snow";
"正在同步数据中..." = "Synchronizing Data...";
"正在同步中..." = "Synchronizing Data...";
"设置" = "Setting";
"消耗卡路里" = "Calories consumed";
"总里程" = "Total distance";
"表盘推送" = "Face Gallery";
"正在推送表盘中,请稍后..." = "Pushing watch face, please wait...";
"更多" = "More";
"遥控拍照" = "Remote Camera";
"查找手环" = "Find Device";
"正在查找手环..." = "Finding device...";
"提醒功能" = "Reminder";
"语言设置" = "Language";
"跟随系统" = "Follow system";
"其他设置" = "Other Setting";
"抬腕亮屏" = "Wake on Wirst Raise"; //
"勿扰模式" = "Do Not Disturb";
"目标设置" = "Goal";
"微信运动" = "WeChat Movement";
"微信" = "WeChat";
"手环说明" = "Watch description";
"固件升级" = "Firmware upgrade";
"正在连接..." = "Connecting...";
"连接中..." = "Connecting...";
"重新连接" = "Reconnect";
"已连接" = "Connected";
"已断开" = "Disconnected";
"无连接" = "Not Connected";
"佩戴提示" = "Wear Reminder ";
"为了准确的测量数据,和不影响APP的正常使用,请您尽量日常佩戴手表。" = "In order to accurately measure the data and not affect the normal use of the app, please try to wear a watch every day.";
"配对成功" = "Pairing Successful";
"恭喜你,配对成功!" = "Congratulations, the pairing is successful! ";
"正在配对..." = "Pairing...";
"请勿操作手机和手表" = "Do not operate mobile phones and watches ";
"正在搜索..." = "Searching...";
"设备名称" = "Device name";
"搜索完成" = "Search complete";
"重新搜索" = "Search again";
"暂不配对" = "No pairing";
"可能原因" = "Possible Reason";
"1.距离太远,请将手表靠近手机;\n2.当前APP版本太低,请更新升级新版本后重试;\n3.您的手机此时存在短暂性网络通讯故障,请稍后重试;\n4.关闭蓝牙并删除当前已连接的蓝牙设备后,再次开启蓝牙重试;\n5.重启手表和手机后重试。" = "1. If the distance is too far, please put your watch close to your mobile phone;\n2. The current app version is too low. Please update the new version and try again;\n3. Your mobile phone has a transient network communication failure at this time, please try again later;\n4. Turn off Bluetooth and delete the currently connected Bluetooth device, turn on Bluetooth again and try again;\n5. Restart the watch and mobile phone and try again.";
"配对失败" = "Pairing failed ";
"配对失败,请重试" = "Pairing failed, please try again";
"为什么配对失败?" = "Why did the pairing fail?";
"重试" = "Retry";
"个人信息" = "Personal Information";
"头像" = "Avatar";
"昵称" = "Nickname";
"生日" = "Birthday";
"年龄" = "Age";
"修改昵称" = "Modify nickname";
"选择年龄" = "Choose the age";
"选择身高" = "Choose height";
"选择体重" = "Choose weight ";
"相册选择" = "Photo album to choose";
"预览" = "Preview ";
"使用" = "use";
"拍照" = "Take Photo";
"从手机相册选择" = "Select from Album";
"裁切" = "Intercept";
"使用此功能需要手环与手机保持连接,如果找到手环,手环会震动和亮屏" = "To use this function, the bracelet must be connected to the phone. If the bracelet is found, the bracelet will vibrate and brighten the screen.";
"来电提醒" = "Call Reminder";
"短信提醒" = "SMS Reminder";
"健康提醒" = "Health Reminder ";
"应用提醒" = "App Reminder";
"闹钟提醒" = "Alarm Reminder";
"已开启" = "On";
"未开启" = "Off";
"开启来电提醒" = "Turn on call reminder";
"手机来电时,手环会震动提醒" = "The wristband vibrates to remind you when your phone calls";
"开启短信提醒" = "Turn on SMS reminder";
"手机来短信时,手环会震动提醒" = "When a text message comes from the phone, the bracelet will vibrate to remind you";
"久坐提醒" = "Sedentary Reminder";
"提醒间隔" = "Reminder interval ";
"开始时间" = "Start Time";
"结束时间" = "End Time";
"喝水提醒" = "Drink Water Reminder";
"间隔时间" = "Interval Time";
"运动目标" = "Sports goal";
"每天步行" = "Walking steps per day";
"启动闹钟,设备将会震动提醒你,您最多可设置5个闹钟" = "Activate the alarm, the device will vibrate to remind you, you can set up to 5 alarms";
"您最多可设置5个闹钟" = "You can set up to 5 alarms";
"不重复" = "No Repeat";
"在此输入标签" = "Enter label here";
"删除" = "Delete";
"编辑闹钟" = "Edit Alarm";
"是否删除此闹钟?" = "Delete this alarm clock?";
"选择需要提醒的应用APP" = "Select the APP you want to be reminded of";
"时间单位设置" = "Time unit setting ";
"24小时" = "24-Hour";
"12小时" = "12-Hour";
"公英制单位设置" = "Metric and Imperial unit setting";
"公制(米/公里/千克)" = "Metric(m/km/kg) ";
"英制(英寸/英里/英镑)" = "Imperial(inch/mile/pound)";
"温度单位" = "Temperature unit";
"摄氏度(℃)" = "Celsius (℃)";
"华氏度(℉)" = "Fahrenheit (℉)";
"开启抬腕亮屏" = "Turn on raising the wrist to brighten the screen";
"开启此功能,抬腕时手表将亮屏" = "Turn on this function, the watch will light up when you lift your wrist";
"开启勿扰模式" = "Turn on do not disturb";
"勿扰模式开启后,除闹钟和抬腕亮屏外,所有通知及来电不再自动亮屏提醒。" = "After turning on the Do Not Disturb mode, in addition to the alarm clock and the bright screen when you raise your wrist,All notifications and incoming calls will no longer automatically open the screen to remind you. ";
"发现新版本" = "New version found";
"更新" = "renew";
"正在升级中..." = "during upgrade...";
"当前已是最新版本" = "Currently the latest version";
"同步" = "sync";
"已同步" = "synced";
"同步中..." = "syncing...";
"注意事项:" = "Matters needing attention:";
"安装过程中,请勿离开本页面,请勿操作手机和手表,确保安装完成!" = "During the installation process, please do not leave this page, do not operate mobile phones and watches, to ensure that the installation is complete! ";
"xx人安装" = "How many people install ";
"已绑定设备" = "Device already bound";
"手环信息" = "Bracelet information";
"电量" = "Electric quantity";
"解绑设备" = "Unbind Device";
"绑定设备" = "Bind Device";
"请先绑定设备" = "Please bind the device first";
"设备未连接" = "Device not connected";
"温馨提示" = "Warm Prompt";
"您的设置尚未保存,是否退出" = "Your settings have not been saved, whether to exit";
"详情" = "Details ";
"以后再说" = "later";
"立即更新" = "update now";
"正在拼命加载..." = "Loading desperately...";
"已是最新版本" = "Already the latest version";
"健康报告" = "Health report ";
"我的数据" = "My data ";
"个人资料" = "Personal data";
"隐私政策" = "Privacy Policy";
"APP检查更新" = "APP check for updates";
"关于" = "About";
"活动统计" = "Activity statistics";
"健康状况" = "Health";
"最高心率" = "Maximum heart rate ";
"最低心率" = "Minimum heart rate";
"最高血氧" = "Maximum blood oxygen";
"最低血氧" = "Minimum blood oxygen";
"点击左侧减去或者增加按钮自定义卡片,上下拖动右侧图标对卡片进行排序。" = "Click the minus or add button on the left to customize the card, and drag the icon on the right up and down to sort the cards. ";
"快捷通讯" = "Quick communication";
"可以选定通讯录中的8个联系人,将其快捷方式显示在手表上。" = "You can select 8 contacts in the address book and display their shortcuts on the watch.";
"搜索" = "Search";
"选择联系人" = "Select Contacts";
"联系人" = "Contacts";
"全部修改" = "Modify all";
"联系人数据传输中..." = "Contacts data transferring...";
"传输完成" = "Transfer complete";
"版本" = "version";
"周一" = "Mon";
"周二" = "Tue";
"周三" = "Wed";
"周四" = "Thu";
"周五" = "Fri";
"周六" = "Sat";
"周日" = "Sun";
"周天" = "Sun";
"天" = "days";
"小时" = "h";
"分钟" = "m";
"日均" = "Average Daily";
"我的总战绩" = "My total record";
"健走" = "walking";
"游泳" = "swimming";
"徒步" = "foot";
"椭圆训练机" = "elliptical trainer";
"健身车" = "exercise bike";
"踏步机" = "steppers";
"跑步机" = "treadmill";
"自行车" = "bicycle";
"登山" = "mountaineering";
"兵乓球" = "table tennis";
"羽毛球" = "badminton";
"瑜伽" = "yoga";
"跳绳" = "rope skipping";
"排球" = "volleyball";
"足球" = "football";
"篮球" = "basketball";
"跳舞" = "dance";
"提示" = "Alert";
"点击图片保存到相册" = "Click on the picture to save to the album";
"传输" = "Transmit";
"名片" = "Business Card";
"未识别到二维码" = "QR code not recognized";
"推荐" = "Recommend";
"安装" = "Install";
"安装中..." = "Installing...";
"安装完成" = "Complete";
"安装失败,请重试" = "Installation failed, please try again";
"将名片绑定至您的手表里,随时随地添加新朋友" = "Bind business cards to your watch and add new friends anytime, anywhere";
"绑定步骤:1.打开FaceBook,保存“我的二维码”到本地;2.打开HDF wear,进入设备-名片-FaceBook;3.点击上方二维码区域,添加或更换FaceBook二维码;4.点击下方绑定按钮,将二维码名片绑定至手表;注意事项:1.建议上传黑白颜色的二维码;2.请务必保持网络畅通;3.绑定过程中请将手表靠近手机,请勿操作手机和手表;4.确保手表电量充足。" = "Binding steps:1. Open FaceBook and save \"My QR Code\" locally;2. Open HDF wear and enter Equipment-Business Card-FaceBook;3. Click the QR code area above to add or replace the FaceBook QR code;4. Click the bind button below to bind the QR code business card to the watch;Precautions:1. It is recommended to upload a QR code in black and white;2. Please keep the network unblocked;3. Please keep the watch close to the phone during the binding process, and do not operate the phone and watch;4. Make sure the watch is fully charged.";
"请按以上步骤获取微信名片;注意:在上传二维码到HDF wear时,请务必按照上图所示,保证上传规范,否则将绑定失败!" = "Please follow the above steps to get the WeChat business card;Note: When uploading the QR code to HDF wear, please be sure to follow the above picture to ensure the upload specification, otherwise the binding will fail!";
"未识别到二维码" = "QR code not recognized";
"扫码连接" = "Scan Code To Connect";
"确定删除此背景吗?" = "Are you sure you want to remove this background?";
"最多只能添加9张图片" = "You can only add up to 9 pictures";
"请解除手机与手环的配对" = "Please remove the pairing of mobile phone and bracelet";
"解除配对后,手环可被其它手机绑定" = "After the pairing is released, the bracelet can be bound by other mobile phones";
"系统设置>蓝牙>点击绑定的蓝牙右侧的" = "Settings > Bluetooth > Click on the right side of the bound Bluetooth";
">忽略此设备" = "Forget This Devie";
"点我" = "Click here";
"正在拼命加载..." = "loading...";
"无法获取当前天气" = "No Weather Data";
"分钟min" = "min";
"(米/公里/千克)" = "(m/km/kg)";
"(英寸/英里/英镑)" = "(inch/mile/pound)";
"公制" = "Metric";
"英制" = "Imperial";
"是否解除绑定?" = "Unbind device?";
"绑定" = "Bind";
"绑定完成" = "Binding Completed";
"岁" = "";
"用户" = "User";
"多云" = "Cloudy";
"日均步数" = "Average Daily";
"请在“设置-隐私-相机”选项中,允许'HDF wear'访问你的相机" = "Please allow 'HDF wear' to access your camera in the “Settings-Privacy-Camera” option";
"请打开定位服务以获取您的运动轨迹" = "Please open the location service to get your motion track";
"请在“设置-隐私-照片“选项中,允许'HDF wear'访问你的照片" = "Please allow 'HDF wear' to access your photos in the “Settings-Privacy-Photos“ option";
"请在“设置-隐私-通讯录”选项中,允许'HDF wear'访问你的通讯录" = "Please allow 'HDF wear' to access your Contacts in the “Settings-Privacy-Contacts“ option";

"绑定微信运动前的准备" = "The things you need to do before binding WeRun";
"微信运动的绑定方法" = "WeRun binding method";
"怎么知道我的设备添加了微信运动?" = "Do I need to sync the data by myself every time I refresh WeRun data?";
"怎么删除微信运动?" = "Why can I check the data updates immediately though WeRun is added?";
"我添加了微信运动,为什么手环(手表)的数据更新不了?" = "How can I know that WeRun has been added into my device?";
"每次使用微信运动都需要解绑设备或者忽略设备吗?" = "How can I delete WeRun from my device?";
"1.解绑设备(苹果手机还需在系统蓝牙中忽略设备)\n2.开启手机蓝牙\n3.确保手表(手环)蓝牙是断开的\n\n" = "1. Unbind device(Apple users should ignore the device on Bluetooth).\n2. Enable the Bluetooth on your phone.\n3. Make sure that the Bluetooth on HDF wear is disconnected.\n\n";
"1.本界面的图片已经存储于手机相册,打开微信'扫一扫'功能\n2.右上角选择'从相册选取二维码'\n3.找到存储于手机中的图片,识别二维码\n4.在弹出的页面中选择”绑定设备”,进入公众号,完成绑定。\n\n" = "1.The interface of the picture has been stored in the phone album, open WeChat Scan QR Code\n2. Choose QR Code from Album in the upper right corner\n3. Find the picture stored in the phone, identify the QR code\n4. In the page that is displayed, select Binding Device, enter the public number, and complete the binding.\n\n";
"关闭APP(苹果手机需要在蓝牙中忽略设备),打开微信运动可以看到设备是连接状态,说明你已经添加了微信运动。\n\n" = "1.    Exit HDF wear app(Apple users should ignore the device on Bluetooth.).\n
2.    Turn on WeChat-Me-Settings-Devices, if you see the device of MRD Sports connected, it indicates that you’ve added WeRun.\n\n";
"打开微信-我-设置-设备-选择设备-删除设备\n\n" = "Turn on WeChat-Me-Settings-Devices-Choose a device-Delete device";
"原因1:如果你微信运动绑定了手机或者其他的设备,微信运动只会显示数据最大的那一个.\n原因2:如果微信运动没有连接上设备,数据也同步不了\n\n" = "Reason 1:If your WeRun not only bind HDF wear, but also bind other devices like your phone, WeRun will only display the data of the device that has most steps.\n
Reason 2:If WeRun is not connected to your HDF wear, the data cannot be synced either.\n\n";
"1.不需要,只是在第一次添加微信运动的时候需要这样做,这样做是为了释放设备蓝牙,使微信可以搜索到设备。(如果设备已经被手机连上,微信运动是无法搜索到设备的)\n2.绑定微信运动后,APP和微信运动可以同时连接设备,互不影响。" = "1. No, it is for the first time that you need to do it. In this way, your device can be searched by WeRun successfully. (If the device has been bound with your phone, WeRun will fail to search for the device.)\n
2. After binding WeRun, you can make HDF wear app and WeRun connected to the device at the same time without interference.";
"绑定步骤:\n1.打开" = "Binding steps:\n1. Open ";
",保存“我的二维码”到本地;\n2.打开HDF wear,进入设备-名片-" = " and save \"My QR Code\" locally;\n2. Open HDF wear and enter Equipment-Business Card-";
";\n3.点击上方二维码区域,添加或更换" = ";\n3. Click the QR code area above to add or replace the ";
"二维码;\n4.点击下方绑定按钮,将二维码名片绑定至手表;\n\n\n注意事项:\n1.建议上传黑白颜色的二维码;\n2.请务必保持网络畅通;\n3.绑定过程中请将手表靠近手机,请勿操作手机和手表;\n4.确保手表电量充足。\n\n\n不会操作?" = " QR code;\n4. Click the bind button below to bind the QR code business card to the watch;\n\n\nPrecautions:\n1. It is recommended to upload a QR code in black and white;\n2. Please keep the network unblocked;\n3. Please keep the watch close to the phone during the binding process, and do not operate the phone and watch;\n4. Make sure the watch is fully charged.\n\n\nCan't operate? ";
"请按以上步骤获取" = "Please follow the above steps to get the ";
"注意:在上传二维码到HDF wear时,请务必按照上图所示,保证上传规范,否则将绑定失败!" = "Note: When uploading the QR code to HDF wear, please be sure to follow the above picture to ensure the upload specification, otherwise the binding will fail!";
"名片1" = " business card";