RLMDecimal128.mm 5.69 KB
// Copyright 2020 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#import "RLMDecimal128_Private.hpp"

#import "RLMUtil.hpp"

#import <realm/decimal128.hpp>

// Swift's obj-c bridging does not support making an obj-c defined class conform
// to Decodable, so we need a Swift-defined subclass for that. This means that
// when Realm Swift is being used, we need to produce objects of that type rather
// than our obj-c defined type. objc_runtime_visible marks the type as being
// visbile only to the obj-c runtime and not the linker, which means that it'll
// be `nil` at runtime rather than being a linker error if it's not defined, and
// valid if it happens to be defined by some other library (i.e. Realm Swift).
// At the point where the objects are being allocated we generally don't have
// any good way of knowing whether or not it's going to end up being used by
// Swift, so we just switch to the subclass unconditionally if the subclass
// exists. This shouldn't have any impact on obj-c code other than a small
// performance hit.
@interface RealmSwiftDecimal128 : RLMDecimal128

@implementation RLMDecimal128 {
    realm::Decimal128 _value;

- (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        if (auto cls = [RealmSwiftDecimal128 class]; cls && cls != self.class) {
            object_setClass(self, cls);
     return self;

- (instancetype)initWithDecimal128:(realm::Decimal128)value {
    if ((self = [self init])) {
        _value = value;
    return self;

- (instancetype)initWithValue:(id)value {
    if ((self = [self init])) {
        _value = RLMObjcToDecimal128(value);
    return self;

- (instancetype)initWithNumber:(NSNumber *)number {
    if ((self = [self init])) {
        _value = RLMObjcToDecimal128(number);
    return self;

- (instancetype)initWithString:(NSString *)string error:(__unused NSError **)error {
    if ((self = [self init])) {
        _value = realm::Decimal128(string.UTF8String);
    return self;

+ (instancetype)decimalWithNumber:(NSNumber *)number {
    return [[self alloc] initWithNumber:number];

+ (instancetype)decimalWithNSDecimal:(NSDecimalNumber *)number {
    return [[self alloc] initWithString:number.stringValue error:nil];

- (realm::Decimal128)decimal128Value {
    return _value;

- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object {
    if (auto decimal128 = RLMDynamicCast<RLMDecimal128>(object)) {
        return _value == decimal128->_value;
    if (auto number = RLMDynamicCast<NSNumber>(object)) {
        return _value == RLMObjcToDecimal128(number);
    return NO;

- (NSUInteger)hash {
    return @(self.doubleValue).hash;

- (NSString *)description {
    return self.stringValue;

- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(RLMDecimal128 *)other {
    return static_cast<NSComparisonResult>(_value.compare(other->_value));

- (double)doubleValue {
    return [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithDecimal:self.decimalValue].doubleValue;

- (NSDecimal)decimalValue {
    NSDecimal ret;
    [[[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:@(_value.to_string().c_str())] scanDecimal:&ret];
    return ret;

- (NSString *)stringValue {
    return @(_value.to_string().c_str());

- (BOOL)isNaN {
    return _value.is_nan();

- (RLMDecimal128 *)magnitude {
    auto result = realm::Decimal128(abs(self.doubleValue));
    return [[RLMDecimal128 alloc] initWithDecimal128:result];

- (void)negate {
    _value = realm::Decimal128(-self.doubleValue);

+ (RLMDecimal128 *)minimumDecimalNumber {
    return [[RLMDecimal128 alloc] initWithDecimal128:std::numeric_limits<realm::Decimal128>::lowest()];

+ (RLMDecimal128 *)maximumDecimalNumber {
    return [[RLMDecimal128 alloc] initWithDecimal128:std::numeric_limits<realm::Decimal128>::max()];

- (RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumberByAdding:(RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumber {
    auto rhs = RLMObjcToDecimal128(decimalNumber);
    return [[RLMDecimal128 alloc] initWithDecimal128:_value+rhs];

- (RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumberByDividingBy:(RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumber {
    auto rhs = RLMObjcToDecimal128(decimalNumber);
    return [[RLMDecimal128 alloc] initWithDecimal128:_value/rhs];

- (RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumberBySubtracting:(RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumber {
    auto rhs = RLMObjcToDecimal128(decimalNumber);
    return [[RLMDecimal128 alloc] initWithDecimal128:_value-rhs];

- (RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:(RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumber {
    auto rhs = RLMObjcToDecimal128(decimalNumber);
    return [[RLMDecimal128 alloc] initWithDecimal128:_value*rhs];

- (BOOL)isGreaterThan:(RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumber {
    auto rhs = RLMObjcToDecimal128(decimalNumber);
    return _value > rhs;

- (BOOL)isGreaterThanOrEqualTo:(RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumber {
    auto rhs = RLMObjcToDecimal128(decimalNumber);
    return _value >= rhs;

- (BOOL)isLessThan:(RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumber {
    auto rhs = RLMObjcToDecimal128(decimalNumber);
    return _value < rhs;

- (BOOL)isLessThanOrEqualTo:(RLMDecimal128 *)decimalNumber {
    auto rhs = RLMObjcToDecimal128(decimalNumber);
    return _value <= rhs;
