cluster_tree.hpp 6.95 KB
 * Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <realm/cluster.hpp>
#include <realm/util/function_ref.hpp>

namespace realm {

class Cluster;

class ClusterTree {
    class Iterator;
    using TraverseFunction = util::FunctionRef<bool(const Cluster*)>;
    using UpdateFunction = util::FunctionRef<void(Cluster*)>;
    using ColIterateFunction = util::FunctionRef<bool(ColKey)>;

    ClusterTree(Allocator& alloc);
    virtual ~ClusterTree();

    ClusterTree(ClusterTree&&) = default;

    // Disable copying, this is not allowed.
    ClusterTree& operator=(const ClusterTree&) = delete;
    ClusterTree(const ClusterTree&) = delete;

    bool is_attached() const
        return m_root && m_root->is_attached();
    Allocator& get_alloc() const
        return m_alloc;

    /// Initialize the accessor from its slot in the `ArrayParent`. If the ref
    /// in the parent slot is zero, this returns false and leaves the
    /// `ClusterTree` in an unusable state.
    bool init_from_parent();
    void update_from_parent() noexcept;

    size_t size() const noexcept
        return m_size;

    size_t nb_columns() const
        return m_root->nb_columns();

    static size_t size_from_ref(ref_type, Allocator& alloc);

    void destroy()
    void nullify_links(ObjKey, CascadeState&);
    bool is_empty() const noexcept
        return size() == 0;
    int64_t get_last_key_value() const
        return m_root->get_last_key_value();
    MemRef ensure_writeable(ObjKey k)
        return m_root->ensure_writeable(k);
    void update_ref_in_parent(ObjKey k, ref_type ref)
        m_root->update_ref_in_parent(k, ref);
    Array& get_fields_accessor(Array& fallback, MemRef mem) const
        if (m_root->is_leaf()) {
            return *m_root;
        return fallback;

    uint64_t bump_content_version()
        return m_alloc.bump_content_version();
    void bump_storage_version()
    uint64_t get_content_version() const
        return m_alloc.get_content_version();
    uint64_t get_instance_version() const
        return m_alloc.get_instance_version();
    uint64_t get_storage_version(uint64_t inst_ver) const
        return m_alloc.get_storage_version(inst_ver);
    void insert_column(ColKey col)
    void remove_column(ColKey col)

    // Insert entry for object, but do not create and return the object accessor
    void insert_fast(ObjKey k, const FieldValues& init_values, ClusterNode::State& state);
    // Create and return object
    ClusterNode::State insert(ObjKey k, const FieldValues&);
    // Delete object with given key
    void erase(ObjKey k, CascadeState& state);
    // Check if an object with given key exists
    bool is_valid(ObjKey k) const;
    // Lookup and return object
    ClusterNode::State get(ObjKey k) const;
    // Lookup and return object
    ClusterNode::State try_get(ObjKey k) const noexcept;
    // Lookup by index
    ClusterNode::State get(size_t ndx, ObjKey& k) const;
    // Get logical index of object identified by k
    size_t get_ndx(ObjKey k) const noexcept;
    // Find the leaf containing the requested object
    bool get_leaf(ObjKey key, ClusterNode::IteratorState& state) const noexcept;
    // Visit all leaves and call the supplied function. Stop when function returns true.
    // Not allowed to modify the tree
    bool traverse(TraverseFunction func) const;
    // Visit all leaves and call the supplied function. The function can modify the leaf.
    void update(UpdateFunction func);

    virtual void for_each_and_every_column(ColIterateFunction) const = 0;
    virtual void update_indexes(ObjKey k, const FieldValues& init_values) = 0;
    virtual void cleanup_key(ObjKey k) = 0;
    virtual void set_spec(ArrayPayload& arr, ColKey::Idx col_ndx) const = 0;
    virtual bool is_string_enum_type(ColKey::Idx col_ndx) const = 0;
    virtual const Table* get_owning_table() const noexcept = 0;
    virtual std::unique_ptr<ClusterNode> get_root_from_parent() = 0;

    void dump_objects()
        m_root->dump_objects(0, "");
    void verify() const;

    friend class Obj;
    friend class Cluster;
    friend class ClusterNodeInner;

    Allocator& m_alloc;

    std::unique_ptr<ClusterNode> m_root;
    size_t m_size = 0;

    void clear();
    void replace_root(std::unique_ptr<ClusterNode> leaf);

    std::unique_ptr<ClusterNode> create_root_from_parent(ArrayParent* parent, size_t ndx_in_parent);
    std::unique_ptr<ClusterNode> get_node(ArrayParent* parent, size_t ndx_in_parent) const;

class ClusterTree::Iterator {
    Iterator(const ClusterTree& t, size_t ndx);
    Iterator(const Iterator& other);

    Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& other)
        REALM_ASSERT(&m_tree == &other.m_tree);
        m_position = other.m_position;
        m_key = other.m_key;
        m_leaf_invalid = true;

        return *this;

    // Set the iterator to the given absolute position in the table.
    void go(size_t abs_pos);
    bool update() const;
    // Advance the iterator to the next object in the table. This also holds if the object
    // pointed to is deleted. That is - you will get the same result of advancing no matter
    // if the previous object is deleted or not.
    Iterator& operator++();

    Iterator& operator+=(ptrdiff_t adj);

    bool operator==(const Iterator& rhs) const
        return m_key == rhs.m_key;
    bool operator!=(const Iterator& rhs) const
        return m_key != rhs.m_key;

    const ClusterTree& m_tree;
    mutable uint64_t m_storage_version = uint64_t(-1);
    mutable Cluster m_leaf;
    mutable ClusterNode::IteratorState m_state;
    mutable uint64_t m_instance_version = uint64_t(-1);
    ObjKey m_key;
    mutable bool m_leaf_invalid;
    mutable size_t m_position;
    mutable size_t m_leaf_start_pos = size_t(-1);

    ObjKey load_leaf(ObjKey key) const;
    size_t get_position();
} // namespace realm