RTKOTAPeripheral.h 3.57 KB
//  RTKOTAPeripheral.h
//  Created by jerome_gu on 2019/4/16.
//  Copyright © 2019 Realtek. All rights reserved.

#import "libRTKLEFoundation.h"
#import "RTKOTAFormat.h"
#import "RTKOTAInstalledBin.h"
#import <RTKLEFoundation/RTKLEFoundation.h>
#import <RTKOTASDK/RTKOTAFormat.h>
#import <RTKOTASDK/RTKOTAInstalledBin.h>


typedef enum : NSUInteger {
    RTKOTAProtocolTypeGATTSPP  =  0x0000,
    RTKOTAProtocolTypeGATT  =   0x0010,
    RTKOTAProtocolTypeSPP =   0x0011,
} RTKOTAProtocolType;

typedef enum : NSUInteger {
} RTKOTAEarbud;

typedef enum : NSInteger {
    RTKOTABankTypeInvalid   =   -1,
    RTKOTABankTypeSingle    = 0x00,
} RTKOTABankType;

@class RTKOTAPeripheral;

@protocol RTKOTAPeripheralDelegate <RTKLEPeripheralDelegate>

 * Invoked when RTKOTAClient has determined information about OTA.
- (void)OTAPeripheral:(RTKOTAPeripheral *)peripheral didDetermineInfoWithError:(nullable NSError*)error;


@interface RTKOTAPeripheral : RTKLEPeripheral

@property (readonly) BOOL infoSettled;
@property (readonly) BOOL isBBpro;

@property (nonatomic, weak) id <RTKOTAPeripheralDelegate> delegate;

 * OTA process version
@property (readonly) NSUInteger OTAVersion;

@property (readonly) NSUInteger securityVersion;

@property (readonly) BDAddressType bdAddress;
@property (readonly) BDAddressType pairedBDAddress;

@property (readonly) uint16_t appVersion;
@property (readonly) uint16_t patchVersion;

@property (readonly) NSString *linkKey;
@property (readonly) NSUInteger tempBufferSize;

@property (readonly) RTKOTABankType activeBank;
@property (readonly) NSUInteger appFreeBank;
@property (readonly) NSUInteger patchFreeBank;

@property (readonly) BOOL bufferCheckEnable;
@property (readonly) BOOL AESEnable;
@property (readonly) NSUInteger encryptionMode;
@property (readonly) BOOL copyImage;
@property (readonly) BOOL updateMultiImages;

/* RWS Upgrade related properties */
 Whether this peripheral is a one of the RWS pair.
@property (readonly) BOOL isRWS;

 Indicate what bud is this perpheral.
@property (readonly) RTKOTAEarbud budType;

Indicate whether RWS bud is in engaged.d
@property (readonly) BOOL notEngaged;

 Indicate whether this peripheral have received images right now, but not active.
@property (readonly) BOOL upgradedCurrently;

@property (readonly) uint32_t imageIndicator;

@property (readonly) RTKOTAProtocolType protocolType;

 * The executable bins installed in Realtek peripheral.
@property (readonly) NSArray <RTKOTAInstalledBin*> *bins;

 * Indicate whether related peripheral can translate to OTA mode, and wether -enterOTAMode method can be invoked.
@property (readonly) BOOL canEnterOTAMode;

 * Indicate whether related peripheral can DFU upgrade immediately.
@property (readonly) BOOL canUpgradeSliently;

 * Request peripheral translate to OTA mode.
 * @discussion In translating to OTA mode, the Peripheral first get disconnected, and reboot as a different peripheral (while advertising same address). When the OTA mode peripheral be scanned, RTKOTAClientDelegate -OTAClient:didEnterOTAModeWithPeripheral: get invoked with the peripheral.
- (void)enterOTAMode;


// only used for BBpro 2 dual bank situation.
@interface RTKOTAPeripheral (DualBank)

@property (readonly, nullable) NSArray <RTKOTAInstalledBin*> *inactiveBins;
