Commit bc5659d6dfb5919739932d9e62534282a24e149a

Authored by daifengyi
1 parent ba3d6432

feat:podfile config to run

Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 31 deletions
1 1 # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
2   -platform :ios, '9.0'
  2 +platform :ios, '11.0'
  3 +use_frameworks!
3 4  
4 5 target 'HDFwear' do
5 6 # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
6 7 use_frameworks!
7 8  
8   - pod 'Charts'
9   - pod 'SwiftDate'
10   - pod 'RealmSwift'
11   - pod 'SnapKit'
12   - pod 'MBProgressHUD'
13   - pod 'MJRefresh'
14   - pod 'HandyJSON'
15   - pod 'AFNetworking'
16   - pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'
17   - pod 'Alamofire'#, '~> 5.4.4'
18   - pod 'TZImagePickerController'
19   - pod 'AMap3DMap' #8.1.0
20   - pod 'AMapLocation' #2.8.0
21   - pod 'AMapSearch'
22   - pod 'SCIndexView'
23   - pod 'JTAppleCalendar'
24   - pod 'YYText'
25   - pod 'swiftScan'
26   - pod 'SSZipArchive'
27   - pod 'Kingfisher'
28   - pod 'HCKalmanFilter'
  9 + pod 'Charts', '3.6.0'
  10 + pod 'SwiftDate','6.3.1'
  11 + pod 'RealmSwift','10.20.0'
  12 + pod 'SnapKit','4.2.0'
  13 + pod 'MBProgressHUD','1.2.0'
  14 + pod 'MJRefresh','3.7.5'
  15 + pod 'HandyJSON','5.0.2'
  16 + pod 'AFNetworking','4.0.1'
  17 + pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift','6.5.9'
  18 + pod 'Alamofire','4.9.1'
  19 + pod 'TZImagePickerController','3.7.0'
  20 + pod 'AMap3DMap','8.1.0'
  21 + pod 'AMapLocation','2.8.0'
  22 + pod 'AMapSearch','8.1.0'
  23 + pod 'SCIndexView','2.2.4'
  24 + pod 'JTAppleCalendar','7.1.7'
  25 + pod 'YYText','1.0.7'
  26 + pod 'swiftScan','1.2.1'
  27 + pod 'SSZipArchive','2.4.3'
  28 + pod 'Kingfisher','4.10.1'
  29 + pod 'HCKalmanFilter','1.2.1'
29 30  
30   - pod 'mob_sharesdk'
31   - pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/QQ_Lite'
32   - pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/SinaWeibo_Lite'
33   - pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/WeChat'
34   - pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/Facebook_Lite'
35   - pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/Instagram'
36   - pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/WhatsApp'
37   - pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKExtension'
  31 + pod 'mob_sharesdk','4.4.3'
  32 + pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/QQ_Lite','4.4.3'
  33 + pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/SinaWeibo_Lite','4.4.3'
  34 + pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/WeChat','4.4.3'
  35 + pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/Facebook_Lite','4.4.3'
  36 + pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/Instagram','4.4.3'
  37 + pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKPlatforms/WhatsApp','4.4.3'
  38 + pod 'mob_sharesdk/ShareSDKExtension','4.4.3'
38 39  
39 40 # Pods for Twear
40 41  
... ... @@ -46,5 +47,16 @@ target 'HDFwear' do
46 47 # target 'TwearUITests' do
47 48 # # Pods for testing
48 49 # end
49   -
  50 + post_install do |installer|
  51 + installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
  52 + target.build_configurations.each do |config|
  53 + config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '11.0'
  54 + end
  55 + if target.respond_to?(:product_type) and target.product_type == ""
  56 + target.build_configurations.each do |config|
  57 + config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO'
  58 + end
  59 + end
  60 + end
  61 + end
50 62 end
... ...